10 Reasons why NextJS is getting prominence

Next.js is gaining popularity as an upcoming platform for frontend development for several compelling reasons:

1. Hybrid Static & Server Rendering

Next.js supports both static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR), allowing developers to choose the best rendering method for their use case. This flexibility helps in optimizing performance and SEO.

2. Automatic Static Optimization

Next.js automatically determines the optimal rendering method for each page. If a page doesn’t have server-side logic, it’s automatically optimized as a static page.

3. Built-in Routing

Next.js comes with a file-based routing system. Each file in the pages directory automatically becomes a route, simplifying navigation setup without the need for complex configurations.

4. API Routes

With Next.js, you can create API routes to handle backend logic directly within your application. This is particularly useful for building full-stack applications without needing a separate backend server.

5. Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)

ISR allows pages to be statically generated at build time, but also be regenerated on the server as users request them. This ensures that content is always up-to-date while still benefiting from the performance of static sites.

6. Performance Optimization

Next.js includes several built-in performance optimizations such as automatic code splitting, which loads only the necessary JavaScript for each page, and image optimization, which provides automatic image resizing and optimization.

7. Developer Experience

Next.js offers an excellent developer experience with features like hot module replacement, which allows for faster development by updating only the changed modules without a full reload, and built-in TypeScript support, making it easier to develop with static types.

8. SEO-Friendly

With SSR and SSG, Next.js makes it easier to create SEO-friendly web applications. Pre-rendering pages improves load times and provides better content for search engine indexing.

9. Growing Ecosystem

Next.js has a growing ecosystem with strong community support and a rich set of plugins and integrations. The Next.js team, backed by Vercel, continuously adds new features and improvements.

10. Easy Deployment

Vercel, the company behind Next.js, offers a seamless deployment platform. With Vercel, deploying a Next.js app is straightforward and optimized for performance out of the box.

11. Versatile Use Cases

Next.js is versatile and suitable for various use cases, including e-commerce, blogs, documentation sites, dashboards, and more. This versatility makes it an appealing choice for many developers.


Next.js stands out as a powerful framework that combines the best aspects of static and server-side rendering, performance optimizations, and an excellent developer experience. Its flexibility, scalability, and growing ecosystem make it a compelling choice for modern frontend development.